Monday, August 01, 2005

Excursion to Santol & Borseth: Carigara to Hibucuan, Sunday, July 31, 2005

Yesterday was the most exciting and interesting day of the trip. As you will see from the posts detailing the day, we had a bit of "adventure-travel." We made an excursion to the Baranguay (Brgy.) Santol where Enia was born and grew up. On the way we passed through another Brgy. named Tuba. After spending some time in Santol, we walked through the countryside to Enia's mother's farm. After spending some time there we traveled by motorcycle to Brgy. Borseth, where Antonio and his family live. We spent several hours in Borseth before taking a motorcycle (in the pouring rain) to the town of Alang-Alang, where we caught a bus to Carigara.

We started out by taking a jeepney from Carigara to Hibucuan. Each jeepney is unique both outside and in. They are converted and customized jeeps that seat multiple passengers. Typically, each has a driver and a "conductor," who stands on a platform on the back of the vehicle. The conductor seems to be responsible for the passengers (fares, cargo, seating etc.) and for minor on-road maintenance (ours filled the radiator with water at one stop).

Jeepney drivers put New York City taxi drivers to shame. They get you where you want to go quickly and efficiently (I am not certain about how safely). Our jeepney had a full load of passengers and quite a bit of cargo, including a live pig that was tied onto the back of the vehicle (which you might be able to make out on the left rear in the second picture). The driver manuevered his way through the traffic on the two-lane highway from Carigara to Hibucuan.

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