Saturday, July 30, 2005

Pictures from Leyte and Cebu

This post will basically be pictures we have taken thus far with an explanation.
  • The first picture is of our hotel (Marriott) in Cebu. It is located downtown near a major shopping mall, the Ayala. In the foreground are some of the Jeepneys which are a common form of transportation in the Philippines.
  • The second picture is of us at the top of a mountain that overlooks Cebu City. We traveled up there at night with our friends - Joe Maxino's family. It was actually cold up there.
  • The next picture is of us disembarking from the SuperCat ferry we took from Cebu to Ormoc, Leyte. With us are Enia's brother, Danny and her cousin Gerry.
  • The next picture is of the area adjacent to the ferry pier in Ormoc Leyte. The transportation was different here - many motorcycles with sidecars. We didn't take one of those - we had a van with a driver.
  • The next picture is of the Senilla family pedicab, owned by Enia's brother Reynaldo. This is a common form of transportation in Carigara. Many families have them and they are for hire as well.
  • The last picture in this post is an induction procession of one of Carigara's elementary schools. The entire school marched down the road. They played music and had signs. Some of the students were carrying baskets of fruit.

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