Saturday, July 30, 2005

Carigara, Leyte, Philippines: Thursday and Friday, July 28, 29, 2005

When we arrived in Carigara I immediately liked it. It is a fairly large town on the shore of Carigara Bay. Our unfinished house (see photo) is situated on the far side of the town half a block from an elementary school. Living in it is a little "primitive," but it could be a lot worse. We have running water and electricity. Although there are some "issues" with the bathroom, it basically functional. The walls of the house are unfinished, as is the floor, front and back of the house (see picture). The worst thing is the humidity; it is very humid and although we have a ceiling fan in the "living room" and a couple of floor standing fans, we are basically moving humid air around. Despite the few discomforts, I like the fact that we are in the middle of town and sort of a part of life here.

Yesterday, we spent most of the time just talking with the relatives who were present to meet us. Enia's brothers Antonio, Danny and Reynaldo, along with her cousin Gerry, have really gone out of their way to make us welcome and comfortable. It is such a pleasure to finally meet them and get to spend some time with them.

Today, Danny and I took a walk through town; we visited the library and the municipal offices where we got a map of the town. We then stopped at a small grocery store and were sitting inside having a soda when the all the students from the school up the street from our house came down the street in a parade. Luckily I had my camera and took some pictures of them. The children, like everyone I have met here, were all smiles and very friendly.

Adrienne, Chris and Christopher Romero went with their Aunt Maribeth and Uncle Gerry to the beach to do some swimming.

Tomorrow (Saturday), Enia and her family are attending a funeral in a nearby town. They will be taking a bus there. I will be staying in town with the kids. On Sunday we supposed to travel to Enia's mother's farm for the day. We are supposed to attend the fiesta in Borseth on Monday; and then later that day we will be going to Leyte's largest city, Tacloban, to stay in a hotel there.

The kids seem to be having fun, but this morning Christopher told Enia he wanted to go home or to a hotel. I think the living conditions (an unfinished house and the humid weather) seems to be getting to both of them.

Enia seems to be enjoying the time with her family, particularly her mother, brothers and sisters. Other friends and relatives have been stopping in to visit. She too has mentioned the conditions are getting to her. Maybe because of all the wilderness camping I have done, the conditions don't bother me as much. I am just enjoying being here and a part of life in Carigara.

It is interesting, as I have walked around town, numerous people (I don't know) wave and say "Hello Joe." I feel like (and maybe I am) the only non-Filipino in the town. Everywhere I go, I get stares. However, Carigara seems to be a warm and friendly place.

Last night Enia, Angelene, Reynaldo, Danny, Jerry and I finished the day by going down to the shore to sit by the water and have a San Miguel and freshly roasted peanuts.

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