Friday, August 05, 2005

Tacloban City: Tuesday and Wednesday, August 2-3, 2005

We spent much of the day in downtown Tacloban, running some errands to get things for our house in Carigara and taking care of a real estate transaction for Enia's sister Luz. Tacloban is a busy, congested city. There are a lot of vehicles, many of them using diesel fuel, so the there is noticeable air pollution. However, the "pulse" and activity of the city is interesting, especially after the relaxed pace of Carigara, so it is worth a visit. Enia has friends and relatives who live there. Her classmate from years ago, Barbara, was kind enough to take us around the city to see its sights and run our errands. One night we went to dinner at the home of Enia's cousins from Connecticut, Jun and Tessie, who were visiting the Philippines with their daughter Terry. While there, we met Elsa and her family.

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