Monday, August 01, 2005

By Foot and Motorcyle from Hibucuan to Santol

We got off the jeepney at Hibucuan. We were met there by some friends of Danny who had motorcycles. We agreed that some of our party would proceed to Santol by motorcycle, while others would walk. The kids (of course) wanted to take the motorcycles. I elected to walk so I could take pictures. Above are pictures of Chris and Adrienne on the motorcycles. Adrienne is with Christopher Romero and her Uncle Danny. Chris is with his Uncle Reynaldo and Enia's sister Luz (who lives in White Plains). It is quite common in the Philippines to see up to four people (including the driver) on a motorcycle.

The trip to Santol was through the countryside on a narrow road, sometimes paved and sometimes dirt/gravel. We passed small houses, coconut groves and rice fields. It included a number of stops to visit with friends and family. One of the pictures (above) is of Enia with her long-time friend Remy, who was visiting with her family. Remy works in Israel.

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