Monday, August 01, 2005

Brgy. Borseth: Sunday, July 31, 2005

Our motorcycle ride through the countryside ended at Brgy. Borseth, home to Enia's brother Antonio and his family. Today and Monday are the days when the village fiesta is held. While we were visiting with Antonio at his house, the first of a number of parades passed by.

While we were in Borseth we escorted on a walking tour of the Brgy. by Antonio's daughter, Angie Rose, who is a Counselor for the Brgy. I seemed to create quite the stir and attracted a small crowd of children who followed us on the walk. I took a picture of some of them. Interestingly enough, during our walk I met the first other American I have seen while on Leyte. He is from Illinois and his wife is from Borseth. They were on vacation at their home in Borseth.

After several hours, we made a rather hasty exit from Borseth. It was getting dark and there seemed to be some concern about all of us travelling the distance to Carigara after dark. Danny made arrangements for his friends with the motorcycles to come to Borseth to pick us up and take us to the highway so we could catch the bus from Carigara.

Just after they arrived, one of the motorcycles got a flat and had to be taken to the repair shop to have the tire patched. When this was done and both motorcycles were at Antonio's house, we mounted up (four to a bike). Chris sat on the tank in front of the driver. I sat behind the driver, Enia was behind me and Adrienne was last. Just as we were leaving, it began raining. We traveled through the now dark countryside until we arrived at the bus stop on the highway about 30 minutes later. Chris was throughly drenched, the driver (Jonathan) and I were very wet as well. Enia and Adrienne were fairly dry. Needless to say the kids found this part of the trip very exciting. Chris has been asking to go back on a motorcycle ever since.


Ellen Afromsky said...

John you are amazing! What a detailed description of your wonderful adventure and great photos too. This trip must be so meaningful for each of you. What an opportunity for you and your children to meet Enia's family and friends and to experience her earier life. That photo of the one room schoolhouse is quite an eye opener. And Enia must be thrilled to be reunited with her family and old friends. Thanks for sharing all of this. We are leaving for a bit of an adventure in California tomorrow, so I probably will not be able to read your blog but I expect there will be tons for me to catch up on when I return. Keep on enjoying!
Most fondly,

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog Uncle John,Been a while, I just saw this have great post....Thanks for posting pics of the it....I miss Leyte...